Tuesday, June 4, 2013

MH39 - it's over!

It's officially over! Ed is declared the winner!

Curt, in an official announcement, said to the group...

Ed, I'm going to concede MH39 to you and accept 2nd place.

With my current to hit penalties, I'm categorically unable to affect the outcome of the game prior to your 25 phase time limit.

Well done, and congratulations.

Drive offensively.


Congrats to Ed for the win! Well played everyone!

Ed & Curt - let me know if you want back in the rotation for a future game. MH40 is posted here -

and is already full, but I'm happy to put you both back in the rotation...

T13P1 - Ed's movement

Ed moves straight
Curt fishtails 30 deg CW

Holding for Curt's movement

T13P1 - Speed

Curt maintains 70
Ed accelerates to 30

Curt fishtails 30 deg CW over an obstacle. He loses control again.
Curt moves straight.

Holding for Ed's movement...

T12P5 - combat

Turn 12 Phase 5

Ed fires the turreted RR at Curt, missing

End of Turn
no chance of fire

Turn 13 Phase 1

I need speed from Ed...

Monday, June 3, 2013

T12P4 - combat

Turn 12 Phase 4

Ed makes no reply, so no action

Turn 12 Phase 5
Curt moves straight, hitting an obstacle and losing control


Holding again for Ed...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

T12P4 - movement concluded

Curt makes a D1 right bend after the fishtail.


I need instructions from Ed

T12P3 - movement concluded

Ed makes a D5 left bend
Curt moves straight, sideswiping Ed. Curt has no armor on the right side so damage goes internal. Ed loses metal armor on his right side. An obstacle is dropped.
Curt completes his movement and conforms Ed. He hits the obstacle and loses control.


Turn 12 Phase 4
Curt fishtails 30 degrees clockwise.

Holding for Curt's movement...

T12P3 - speed

Turn 12 Phase 3
Curt accelerates to 70
Curt makes a D5 bend left

Holding for Ed's movement...

unintentional break

Hey guys - took an unintentional break from Car Wars for a bit... About to process what I have for MH39 and do a little looking for a map for MH40...