Tuesday, June 4, 2013

MH39 - it's over!

It's officially over! Ed is declared the winner!

Curt, in an official announcement, said to the group...

Ed, I'm going to concede MH39 to you and accept 2nd place.

With my current to hit penalties, I'm categorically unable to affect the outcome of the game prior to your 25 phase time limit.

Well done, and congratulations.

Drive offensively.


Congrats to Ed for the win! Well played everyone!

Ed & Curt - let me know if you want back in the rotation for a future game. MH40 is posted here -

and is already full, but I'm happy to put you both back in the rotation...

T13P1 - Ed's movement

Ed moves straight
Curt fishtails 30 deg CW

Holding for Curt's movement

T13P1 - Speed

Curt maintains 70
Ed accelerates to 30

Curt fishtails 30 deg CW over an obstacle. He loses control again.
Curt moves straight.

Holding for Ed's movement...

T12P5 - combat

Turn 12 Phase 5

Ed fires the turreted RR at Curt, missing

End of Turn
no chance of fire

Turn 13 Phase 1

I need speed from Ed...

Monday, June 3, 2013

T12P4 - combat

Turn 12 Phase 4

Ed makes no reply, so no action

Turn 12 Phase 5
Curt moves straight, hitting an obstacle and losing control


Holding again for Ed...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

T12P4 - movement concluded

Curt makes a D1 right bend after the fishtail.


I need instructions from Ed

T12P3 - movement concluded

Ed makes a D5 left bend
Curt moves straight, sideswiping Ed. Curt has no armor on the right side so damage goes internal. Ed loses metal armor on his right side. An obstacle is dropped.
Curt completes his movement and conforms Ed. He hits the obstacle and loses control.


Turn 12 Phase 4
Curt fishtails 30 degrees clockwise.

Holding for Curt's movement...

T12P3 - speed

Turn 12 Phase 3
Curt accelerates to 70
Curt makes a D5 bend left

Holding for Ed's movement...

unintentional break

Hey guys - took an unintentional break from Car Wars for a bit... About to process what I have for MH39 and do a little looking for a map for MH40...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

T12P2 - movement

Turn 12 Phase 2
Curt maintains 60
Ed accelerates to 20

Curt makes a D3 left bend


Turn 12 Phase 3

I need speed from Curt...

T12P1 - combat

Turn 12 Phase 1
Curt fires both VMG's at Ed, hitting his front with the top one and missing with the left one. All the damage is stopped by metal.

Turn 12 Phase 2

I need speed from Curt

T12P1 - movement concluded

Ed moves straight
Curt makes a D1 bend left


holding for both of you...

T12P1 - speed

Turn 12 Phase 1
Curt maintains 60
Ed maintains 10

Curt moves straight

holding for Ed's movement...

Monday, May 27, 2013

T11P5 - movement

Good morning!

Sorry for the delay... The 24 hour clock ran out sometime Friday, which was a busy day for me. Vanessa and I went dancing Friday night.

And they got me on stage to sing a few as well...

Then Saturday it was time to yard sale with my sweetie. :-) Sorry, no pics, but we had a great time!

Saturday night I had a solo gig at "The Farms" (the country club in Dyersburg) -

Three hours straight. :-)

Then Sunday morning it was on the bus with the Barnetts. We were in Mississippi all day - got home about 1 AM. :-)

So - back to the game...

I failed to note that Ed also hit an obstacle as he was completing his spin. He took tire damage to the front right and back left.

Turn 11 Phase 5
Curt moves straight

End of Turn
no chance of fire

Turn 12 Phase 1
I need speed from both of you...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

T11P4 - Ed's speed

Ed accelerates to 10
Curt makes a D1 drift right

Curt fires both VMG's at Ed and misses with both

Turn 11 Phase 5

holding for movement from Curt

T11P1 - movement

Turn 11 Phase 1
Curt moves straight
Ed spins another 90 degrees
Curt makes a D2 left bend

Ed drops smoke on his right

Turn 11 Phase 2
Curt makes a D3 left bend


Turn 11 Phase 3
Ed comes to a stop
Curt makes a "less than" D3 left bend


Turn 11 Phase 4

I need speed from Ed

Reminder - Ed will win if he still has 80 points at the end of Turn 13 Phase 2

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

T10P5 - movement

Turn 10 Phase 5
Curt makes a D1 left bend


Turn 10 End of Turn
no chance of fire

Turn 11 Phase 1
Curt accelerates to 60
Ed maintains 20

Holding for Curt's movement...

T10P4 - movement

Turn 10 Phase 4
Curt makes a D1 left bend

Ed fires a Smoke Screen on his right side

Turn 10 Phase 5

I need instructions from Curt...

T10P1 - movement concluded

Ed moves straight after the fishtail


Turn 10 Phase 2
Curt accelerates to 45
Ed maintains 20
Curt moves straight, hitting an obstacle. He takes no tire damage.


Turn 10 Phase 3
Ed maintains 20
Curt moves straight
Ed attempts a bend left and loses control. He begins a spinout and takes tire damage

Curt fires both VMG's at Ed as well as triggers a rocket booster. He is moving at 55. The turreted VMG hits Ed's front and some damage goes to plastic under metal. The side one also hits the front and also sends damage past metal to plastic. Debris is dropped.

Turn 10 Phase 4

Holding for movement from Curt...

T9P3 - movement

Turn 9 Phase 3
Curt makes a D2 left bend
Ed makes a D3 left bend


Turn 9 Phase 4
no movement

Curt fires his turreted VMG and his left VMG at Ed. The top one hits and some damage goes past the metal on Ed's left. The side one hits and some metal is lost as well as some plastic underneath.
Ed loses control.

Turn 9 Phase 5
Curt makes a "less than" D1 left bend


End of turn - no chance of fire

Turn 10 Phase 1
Curt maintains 35
Ed maintains 20

Curt moves straight, hitting debris. He takes no tire damage.
Ed fishtails 30 deg CCW. Holding for Ed's movement...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

T9P2 - speed

Turn 9 Phase 2
Ed maintains 20
Curt moves straight 1/2"


Turn 9 Phase 3
Ed maintains 20

holding for movement from Curt

Monday, May 20, 2013

T9P1 - movement

Turn 9 Phase 1
Curt makes a "less than" D1 bend left
Ed moves straight

Johnny hits Ed's front with his VMG. Some damage goes past metal. An obstacle is dropped as metal is lost.
Ed fires at Johnny. The top RR misses but the first front one strips the rest of the rear armor and kills the driver. Full kill the Ed, who now has 80 points. He will WIN if he still has 80 points and is in control at the beginning of Turn 14 Phase 2.
His other RR front also hits and all the damage goes internal. An obstacle is dropped.

Turn 9 Phase 2
As of right now Ed's instructions are moot, so I'm holding for Ed's speed...

T9P1 - speed

Turn 9 Phase 1
Curt accelerates to 35
Ed maintains 20
Johnny comes to a stop


Holding for instructions from Curt...

T8P1 - combat

Turn 8 Phase 1
(Ed makes no reply so no action)

Turn 8 Phase 2
No movement

Johnny's Driver fires the turreted VMG at Ed, missing.
Ed fires all three RR's at Johnny. The top and one front one hit and debris is dropped.
The Flaming Oil burns itself out.

Turn 8 Phase 3
Johnny slows to 10
Ed maintains 20

Curt moves straight
Ed moves straight


Turn 8 Phase 4
no movement


Turn 8 Phase 5
Curt moves straight 1/2"


Turn 8 End of Turn
No chance of fire

Turn 9 Phase 1

I need speed from Curt

Ed - not holding for you as I think I know what you intend, but if you need to change something please speak up...

Friday, May 17, 2013

T8P1 - movement concluded

Johnny makes a "less than" D2 bend left
Ed makes a D1 bend right


Holding for Johnny & Ed

T8P1 - speed

Turn 8 Phase 1
Johnny maintains 20
Ed maintains 20
Curt accelerates to 25

Curt moves straight

Holding for Johnny to move or defer to Ed...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

T7P3 - movement concluded

Johnny makes no reply and moves straight
Curt moves straight 1/2"


Turn 7 Phase 4
Ed slows to 20
no movement


Turn 7 Phase 5
no movement


Turn 7 End of Turn
Johnny fails to catch fire

Turn 8 Phase 1

I need speed from each of you
(Johnny - you can slow more if you want, but you'll decelerate at 5 mph every 5 phases - you can
steer normally)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

T7P2 - speed

Turn 7 Phase 2
Curt accelerates to 15


Ed fires all three RR's at Johnny. The top one hits and takes out the PP - mobility kill to Ed for 20 points and a 20 point loss to Johnny. Ed is at 60 and Johnny is at 20 (Curt is still at 40).
The front ones also hit, doing internal damage and taking out the left armor as well. An obstacle is dropped and the Gunner is killed.
Johnny's Gunner fires the top VMG at Ed, hitting his front. All of the damage is stopped by the metal armor.

Turn 7 Phase 3
Ed makes a D1 right bend.

Holding for Johnny's movement...

Ed & Johnny - look for a personal email right behind this one...

T7P1 Combat

Turn 7 Phase 1

Turn 7 Phase 2

I need speed from Curt (thought I had it noted, but can't locate it - sorry).

On a personal note, went to the Memphis Songwriters Association meeting last night, so no update - but no apology either. :-)

Monday, May 13, 2013

T7P1 - movement concluded

Curt pivots


Holding for Ed & Johnny...

T7P1 - movement continued

Johnny makes a D3 drift right

Holding for movement from Curt

T7P1 - movement begins

First - sorry for the delay... I actually had the map done at 5 PM on 5/10 but I was not able to process this blog immediately, then had a very busy (but fun) weekend.

So - here we go...

Ed makes a D1 bend right.

Holding for Johnny's movement...

Friday, May 10, 2013

T7P1 - Speed

Turn 7 Phase 1
Ed maintains 30
Johnny accelerates to 20
Curt maintains 5

Holding for Ed's movement...

T6P2 - correction

I have a correction...

Due to a misunderstanding on my part, I failed to hold for Johnny's combat during Turn 6.

In Phase 2 he fired his turreted VMG at Ed, hitting his front. Metal armor stopped some damage and some went through to plastic underneath.

Still holding for Speed from Ed...

T6P1 - movement concluded

Johnny moves straight
Curt skids 1/2", slowing to 10, then moves straight 1/2"


Turn 6 Phase 2
No movement


Turn 6 Phase 3
Ed moves straight
Johnny moves straight 1/2"


Turn 6 Phase 4
No movement


Turn 6 Phase 5
Curt slows to 5
Ed moves straight


Turn 6 End of Turn
No chance of fire

Turn 7 Phase 1

I need speed from Ed and Johnny

Thursday, May 9, 2013

T6P1 - Speed

Turn 6 Phase 1
Ed accelerates to 30
Curt is OOC and maintains 15
Johnny accelerates to 15

Ed moves straight

Johnny - move or defer to Curt?

T5P3 - movement concluded

Ed makes a D1 right bend, losing control


Turn 5 Phase 4


Turn 5 Phase 5
Curt skids 1", taking tire damage and slowing to 15
Ed skids 1/2" and slows to 25, then he moves straight


Turn 5 End of Turn
Jon explodes
Johnny fails to catch fire - burn mods gone

Turn 6 Phase 1

I am holding for speed from Ed and Johnny.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

T5P2 Combat

First - someone asked what the center thing was. I assumed it was solid, but looking back it's not noted anywhere that I can find, so it's a "tent" type structure with solid posts holding up a canopy.

Turn 5 Phase 2
Ed fires all three RR's at Johnny, hitting his right side. The top one misses, but both front ones hit, taking all his right side armor and sending damage internal. An obstacle is dropped.
Curt's Flame Cloud burns out and is replaced by Smoke.

Turn 5 Phase 3
Curt makes a D3 right bend, losing control.

Holding for movement from Ed.

Look for a personal email to all three of you (active players)...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

T5P1 - combat

Turn 5 Phase 1

(no reply from Curt)

Turn 5 Phase 2
Curt moves straight 1/2"


holding for Curt & Johnny...

Monday, May 6, 2013

T5P1 - movement concluded

Turn 5 Phase 1
Johnny makes a D4 right bend


I need instructions from all three of you...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

T5P1 - Speed

Turn 5 Phase 1
Curt accelerates to 35
Ed maintains 20
Johnny accelerates to 10

Curt makes a D3 right bend
Ed makes a D3 right bend, hitting an obstacle. He takes damage to the front tires.

Holding for movement from Johnny...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

T4P3 - more movement

Curt moves straight after the fishtail, sideswiping the wall and conforming to it.
Ed makes a D2 right bend.


Turn 4 Phase 4
no movement


Turn 4 Phase 5
Chris slows to 35 and moves straight, head-on into the wall. He takes some front damage and comes to a stop.
Curt moves straight 1/2", continuing to conform to the wall.


Turn 4 End of Turn
Jon continues to burn
Johnny has a burn mod from contact with Jon end of Turn 3 but fails to catch fire

Turn 5 Phase 1

I need speed from each of you...

Friday, May 3, 2013

T4P2 Combat

Turn 4 Phase 2

Turn 4 Phase 3
Chris moves straight
Curt fishtails 30 deg CCW then ???

holding for Curt

T4P1 - combat

Turn 4 Phase 1
Johnny fires his turreted VMG at Curt, hitting his right side. All the armor is destroyed but no damage goes internal. Curt loses control.

Turn 4 Phase 2
Chris moves straight


Turn 4 Phase 3
Chris moves straight


Holding for Johnny's Driver...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

T4P1 - movement concluded

Johnny pivots on his back right corner


I need instructions from Ed & Johnny...

T4P1 - speed

Turn 4 Phase 1
Chris maintains 40
Curt maintains 25
Ed maintains 20
Johnny slows to 5

Chris moves straight
Curt makes a D3 right bend
Ed makes a D3 right bend

I need movement from Johnny...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

T3P4 Combat

Turn 3 Phase 4

Turn 3 Phase 5
Chris fishtails 30 deg CW, then moves straight.
Curt fishtails 30 deg CCW, then moves straight.


End of Turn
Jon catches fire from Chris' burn mod on Turn 2.
Johnny takes a burn mod from being in contact with a burning vehicle.

Turn 4 Phase 1

I need speed from Johnny...

T3P3 - combat

Turn 3 Phase 3

Turn 3 Phase 4
Curt accelerates to 50
Curt moves straight, hitting Chris in a T-Bone collision (aka THINE). The rest of Chris' right armor is destroyed and his driver is knocked unconscious - full kill to Curt. They both lose control from the collision and Curt's speed drops to 25.
Chris drops an obstacle and Curt drops debris.


Holding for Johnny's Driver

Three additional notes... There are now three players left, and each has scored a full kill. Each of you have 40 points - Ed, Johnny & now Curt...

Second - the "paint" and "oil" that Curt dropped in Phase 1 ignited in Phase 2. I've replaced them with a Flame Cloud and Flaming Oil.

Third - Chris - now that you're out, do you want me to put you down on the list for the next one? Will likely be MH41 as MH40 is full, but the earlier you get your name in the earlier you get to play. :-)